
let's get to know each other!

I am an 8 years old girl who is passionated in software development, Art, MotionPicture, Graphics, and writing.

Just an idea about me...

Mobile App Development

I am so passionated in technology and publishing my first app in iOS platform. This app for the parents and children's, interactive story reading app. This will be soon expanded to a full entertain-able mobile app.


I am improving my SwiftUI skills and knowledge, I do now the area where I need to be more focused.

UX design.

Excellent visualization experience showcased in my first app at this stage of age. Enthusiastically expedite user friendly alignments rather than parallel initiatives.

Digital branding.

I am open to discuss conveniently. Marketing Strategy currently not in place, I believe it is a little early. In the future this will be taken care.

Creative development.

I am a young tech-savvy girl with Art in my soul. I am combining both Art and Code for my creative development.

Art of Life

I love art and graphics. Right now I am using some graphic tools and softwares for my application development purpose and heading for professional way of learning since art is my part of life.


Hanas App


I completed developing my own Apple iOS mobile app in 4 months with the minimum screen time. I referred internet for my projects to understand the logic and best practices to apply. I prefer not to use any libraries or third-party classes, codes, cloning, or copying in my app. Almost Ten Thousand lines of codes currently serving this app and I tested and deleted many hundred lines of codes between this app development that are not counted in this.

My Education

2013 - Ongoing

Education Shouldn't be 'What to learn, it should be 'How to Learn' “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” – Kofi Annan -

My Academics

2017 - Ongoing

For me, academic education is to connect with my age group and socially interact to become a part of my community.



I was Born in UAE and started experiencing this world. I got a lovely sister with me and my parents who are thinking just beyond the normal.

My Team


it's Me....





